Business License




Here I have my official transcript from CWU. Bachelors Degree is below these!

Official Transcript 1.PNG
Official Transcript 2.PNG
Official Transcript 3.PNG
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Annette Case: 253-261-8846
This is the first client I ever worked with and still do. I have provided her great assistance in keeping her son’s grades and work complete throughout both last year and this year. This student has a diverse range of needs and is an example of my abilities to work with students regardless of what their needs are. I also regularly drive this student around town as requested by parent and not only serve a tutoring roll but a mentoring one as well and have seen drastic signs of emotional and maturity growth in the student because of this.

Stacy Mays: 509-760-1462

I have worked with Stacy since last year and still currently do. Her kids are on K12 and I work as one of her son’s learning coach. I have worked hard with this family to foster a greater level of independence with the student I tutor, and this student is now currently at straight As and has made honor roll.

Julie Boss: 509-607-9858

Another parent that I currently work with. Her student struggled greatly in math as well as keeping up on his work. I not only assist in keeping her child up to par on math as well as his other studies, but have driven them to and from school as well as provide in depth report at the end of each week that outlines not only what we did, but also where we are going.

Eric Graham:
Biology professor at Central Washington University. He can attest to my high level of content understanding.

Nick Ruggerio:

I have worked with his daughter since june of 2024, we are getting close to a year now and I am still working with her. She used to need more assistance with her school work and socializing skills, but since working with me has shown vast improvement in both. Her counselor at school as noted such, and her STAAR test scores have increased markedly from between fall and winter. Nick has written me a letter of recommendation and which I will post a picture of below and would be happy to provide you any information in regards to my tutoring work with his daughter.

Michelle Hunting:

She has written a few of the testimonials on my review page. I still work with both of her boys and have for almost 2 years now. I have watched as one of the boys has accelerated leagues ahead of his math class, while his brother go from low functioning math to the same class as his peers and rapidly accelerating in his growth forward. I have shown Michelle a lot of schedule flexbility, with plenty of emergency last minute schedulings, and I have devoted myself studiously to the boys improving not just as students but as critically thinking adults.

Tasha Bennet:

Another client who has left a review on my testimonial page. I have been working with her son for 3 years now I believe, I have lost track its been so long. I work with him on literally anything and everything from math, to language arts, to history, you name it. I work as his mentor and tutor, ensuring he not only is properly educated, but develops into a functioning and critically thinking adult as well. I have seen this student grow significantly since I first started working with him, and I know Tasha would love to tell you all about the great job I have done.

Biology Experience

Currently, my highest degree is a Bachelors in Arts Degree in Biology. .During my time at Central Washington University, I underwent extensive and rigorous education in this field. I did not specialize, opting to instead pursue a more general view of Biology so that I could better understand the fundamentals that students would learn in their Middle School and High School years. Understanding the the fundamentals outlining concepts such genetics, ecology, microbiology, and anything else related to how life lives and functions.

As a disclaimer, I am also capable of tutoring in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and just about any topic at a middle to high school level, Biology is my area of specialty and is the only science I am certified in through Central Washington University.

Education Experience


STEM teaching experience

Starting in 2017, I began my journey as a teacher in training. In just the education program alone, I have just around 37 hours of in class time. I have experience in backwards lesson design, tailoring content to meet state Common Core and NGSS standards, and have added innumerable tools to my kit in regards to not only breaking down content into easier bits, but also how to take a student’s psychology into account and use that feedback to create dynamic, data driven delivery of anything from science, to math, or even english and history. The student teaching portion of my education minor has not yet been completed as I have not yet completed student teaching due to covid-19. Therefore, I am not a certified teacher.

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Tutoring experience both public and private

During my senior year at CWU, I was presented with the opportunity of a life time. I was accepted to be a tutor for work study and I had the rare privilege to work with students through an alternative education option for students who struggled in at a nearby local high school. I tutored students of diverse needs in anything from Civics and history, to Geometry and Biology. Not only did this job help me understand what it means to be a “Master of all” content, but it also provided me with experience in dealing with a variety of students all coming from different backgrounds and how to best vary my strategies to accommodate different students. Once Covid came I was kicked out of my tutoring job, however thankfully one of the students took a liking to me and the parent requested I continue to tutor her son and daughter during the Pandemic. I was able to not only build a powerful bond with this family, but it helped me truly realize my potential and passion for interacting with individuals on a 1 on 1 basis, taking the time to explore the depths of content, while also providing me experience in breaking down content in a variety of ways.